Monday, January 14, 2008

Lights, camera, action at ORCTV

MATTAPOISETT— After more than a year out of commission, the renovated TV studio at Old Rochester Regional High School is again ready to resume operations.

"We now feel well prepared for the student courses," ORR School Superintendent Bill Cooper said. "It's a great opportunity for students, both behind the camera and in front of the camera. We are also preparing for the launch of Channel 18, which is the educational TV channel. That will feature student productions, as well as video of things going on in these schools, plus the elementary schools" and the vocational schools.

The studio, which formerly was the headquarters for the local cable access company ORCTV, was closed after a serious mold problem developed in December 2006, the result of an air conditioner installed in the studio by personnel at ORCTV.

ORCTV and ORR school officials agreed the move was necessary, given the air quality problems that made an employee sick.

"They wanted to keep it cool in here because of all the equipment, but unfortunately it fought with the air conditioning system installed in the building," Dr. Cooper said.

A wall had to be replaced and the carpeting removed and replaced with tile. Students were able to continue with their classes for the rest of the school year, using a computer lab and software that permitted editing.

Lee Schionis, an instructor in television journalism, said that fortunately, the disruption proved minimal.

"The course I teach has two halves. I teach studio in the first half and the second half of the school year we go out in the field.

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